Thursday, October 29, 2009

One thing I left out

As I was reading back my earlier post about how things fall into place, there was one critical thing I left out. Yesterday, I couldn't find my cell phone, despite the fact that I knew that I had it the night before. This morning before the whole car issue, Adam went out to my car to get Julie's lunchbox so that I could pack it for her and out of the blue decided to look for my phone. Not being able to find it in my car, he called it and heard it the grass in the middle of the lawn. After thinking how that could have happened, I came to the conclusion that it must have fallen out of my pocket two days earlier when I got home on Tues night from the store, because we were out in the dark, trying to stake up our tree from the wind to save it, which means that it was out there all day and night until this morning. Thankfully my phone is waterproof so no problem there...but can you imagine if we didn't look for it this morning or Adam didn't find it and I would have been stuck on the side of the road in the cold with no cell phone...oh my I said things happen in weird ways.

It may suck, but it could have been worse

I think it is strange how everything seems to fall into place sometimes...even at the bad times. Let's take this morning for example. Kaitlyn had a late school start because they were having a Halloween party so she didn't have to be at school until 10. A friend invited us over to her house for a play date before the party from 9-10. Well I was not really motivated to get moving this morning and all us moms know how that is, but I decided to suck it up and get a move on. So we left our house about 8:30 to head to the gas station and then on to our friends house. About 5 minutes into our trip all of a sudden my car makes a weird motion(don't know how to explain the feel) and will no longer really drive forward...great. Well by the grace of god, I managed to get it a few feet out of the road and happen to be by a place in the road that had a large shoulder(it is a fast two lane road). How I managed that, I have no clue because right after we got it there, was still running, but wouldn't move. Kaitlyn kept telling me to go and asking why the car was stopped and that she wanted to get to her friends here I am stuck on the side of the road..needing gas, and did I mention it was 40 degrees outside. So I call my husband, then I call the friend whose house I was going to and thankfully she was leaving to take her son to school so then she just drove to where I was to pick up Kaitlyn so she wouldn't miss her party and also because we were freezing since I couldn't let the car run with the heater when we were almost out of gas. In hindsight, I guess I could have just let it run and run out of gas, since it had to be towed anyhow. Then I called AAA and they said it would be 20-30 minutes. I then called me husband back and told him that he needed to leave work and come and get me so that we can follow the car to the shop and then be able to pick up What a morning. I froze even though I was covered with a blanket and had my jacket on. Well my husband and the tow truck arrived about a minute apart and they hooked it off and on we went. Let's just say that we just paid this car off....yeah!! Well so far we had to fix a panel on the transmission 2 months ago which wasn't cheap, last month the battery died, and now this. My husband and I were both pretty sure it was the transmission so we were trying to decide if it was worth fixing since we were planning on buying a new car next year or if we should just bite the bullet now. So it turns out that it is the transmission which is going to cost between 2200 - 2800. We then decided that we really couldn't afford to take on a new car payment right now so we decided to have it fixed, which means it has to be towed again to a different shop that does transmissions.....I GUESS I KNOW WHAT MY CHRISTMAS PRESENT IS.

On the other end of this, if my friend had not invited us over this morning and had I not decided to get out and go, we would have been stuck on the side of the road and then been late for or missed the party altogether which would have been a major problem since this is all she talked about for the last week. It also just happened to work with her schedule that she was dropping her son off anyhow so she would be out and could pick up Kaitlyn. For some weird reason, I made it to the side of the road and out of danger and my husband didn't have a meeting that he was in, so he was able to easily leave work to come and help me out. So I guess if you are a glass half full kind of person, it turned out to all work out in the end....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Family in crisis and other ramblings....

Do you ever have moments in your life when you wonder why things happen to people. Well as most people know my cousin who is 32 was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer about 4 months ago. She just had a new baby and also has a 3 yr old and I cannot imagine what she has been going through. She has been having treatments with radiation and chemo...well last week she had a new MRI to check how things were going...the results were horrible. It has now spread from her colon and they have now found it in her hip she put it, her life sucks right now. They are now going to put her on high doses or radiation for 12 weeks, 24 hrs a day. I cannot imagine having a new baby and a toddler and having to face something like this. I am not overly religious but I am going to be praying and praying for her...I think one of the fears of a parent is not being able to watch your children grow up.

On a more positive note, we all had a blast this weekend camping....we also went to an amusement park and the boardwalk. The kids had tons of rides all weekend and none of us were ready to go home(ok maybe my husband was). It is so cute to watch them grow and change and experience all the new things that come along with life. Julie is doing great in school and loves it, we have her 1st parent/teacher conference Nov 6th so it should be interesting to see what her teacher has to say. Tomorrow I am going on a field trip with 3 of the kindergarten classes up to apple hill so that should be interesting and hopefully fun, although she has another bladder infection so she has been grumpy for the last few days...hopefully the meds will kick in and make things better.

Monday, October 5, 2009

All in a weekend..

I don't think we even had a seemed to fly by in the blink of an eye and before I knew it, it was Monday and back to school. Friday after Julie had school my mom and the kids and I headed out the wheatland, which is about an hr drive to our favorite pumpkin patch, hoping to beat the crowds of the coming weekend. We had a great time, and it is so weird to think that 5 yrs ago, I was there with Julie and she was the little one in the stroller. So after the train ride, the pony rides, the marble panning and the slides, we took the hay ride out to the pumpkin patch to search for pumpkins. Kaitlyn was really into it this year and kept telling everyone on the hayride that she was getting 2 pumpkins, one big and one small. So we trudged through the fields and selected 5 pumpkins...(yeah picture us trying to carry all of that back to the wagon). As I was walking out of the field something bit my ankle...but I figured who knows what the heck is in there. After the hay ride we got a snack and as we were eating our snack, my mom kept getting bit by mosquitoes...I thought they were done for the year but she swore she kept seeing them. Later that night as I counted the bites on me, I guess she was right. I had a bunch also. Julie had one on her arm and Kaitlyn didn't seem to have any. When Sat came around we were on our way to the lake with friends to go for one last boat ride and rafting trip before the nice weather came to an end. Julie said her arm really itched and it was for sure swollen and red and she had a nice sized bug bite, but I didn't think to much of it, because I had a bunch of itchy things on me too. Well Sunday morning when she woke up, her arm was huge and hard as a rock and warm and red all around the bug we decided to take her to urgent care before we had to run her to a birthday party. Good thing we did, turns out she now has an infection that turned into a cellulitis. They put her on two antibiotics because it was so bad and the size of the redness around it was now looked horrible. So they sent us home with meds, told us to keep a heating pad on it and give her Motrin for the swelling. Now the bad thing is that when she is on antibiotics it makes her take her normal grump when she is on antibiotics and multiply by 5..I sure don't know if I can take 10 days of this and of course my husband wont be home tonight or tomorrow night to help out.....I may need a spa weekend after it is all said and done.