Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Too scary for preschool

Okay so all of you that know me, know that I am the biggest animal lover that there is...the problem is that I have a problem with the newest pet at Kaitlyn's preschool. It is a yes I hate spiders but that is not my concern. Tarantulas are peaceful by nature, but if a 3 yr old comes up to you and shakes your plastic house, I don't know how peaceful it can be. Tarantulas are venomous, a bite they say is like a bee sting...painful, but the web says rarely results in death.....OKAY...what about any of that makes the teacher think that this is an okay pet to have in a class with twelve 3 yr olds...and if one just happens to drop the cheap plastic container that it is in, the lid will come off and there will be a spider on the loose....lets not even imagine how that is going to end. It also states that the hair of the spider can cause severe irritation to skin...okay so how do I bring this up to the teacher without her getting defensive....I am paying good money to send my kid to this school and let me tell you what, if my kid was to get bit by a spider that she had as a pet..we are going to have a problem.....

1 comment:

keri said...

I completely understand your concerns but how is the teacher handling it? Is she educating the kids about spiders? Is she teaching them to respect all the pets including their environments? I think it could be a great opportunity for the kids to learn about spiders and grow to not be terrified of them. Jared has a pet tarantula at his mom's house that he got from the tarantula festival in oakhurst (near fresno). Yes, he is older but the festival is a family event and it has always been safe. Why don't you ask the teacher (and Kaitlyn) what they are learning about the pets in the classroom. Most people who have spiders as pets are aware of the responsibility and would never put their pet or others in danger. Since she is a teacher at a preschool, I would guess this to be true of her as well. As long as this is the case, be careful not to project your own fears onto others. It is understandable to be concerned for your daughter but it would be a great thing for her to learn to respect the spider rather than fear the spider.
Just my opinion.