Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A truley enjoyable time

So this morning ended our 5 day visit with the in-laws and I have to say that other then when my 2 girls were born and they came out, this was the most enjoyable. Now that the girls are older and they know who Grandma Shelly and Papa are, it is so great to see them interact. My father in law actually slept on the floor of Kaitlyn's room the whole time on a mattress. She loved that!! I was so thankful they were here to give me a little break since I am still recovering. As this morning got closer, I was so sad. I DID NOT want them to leave. 5 days went so quick and I wish that they would have stayed longer. I hope that next time they will. It is so great to make such wonderful memories. Both girls woke up this morning asking for them and they were disappointed to know that the day had come that they had to go home....they plan to return in August and we already can't wait.

1 comment:

keri said...

that is awesome!!! of course, i know that my mother-in-law doesn't like me because i am not an enabling push over...my father-in-law seems to like me (helps that they aren't married to each other any longer...haah). So I am jealous that you don't get that same anxiety I do when it comes to in-laws visiting. then again, i have met your in-laws and why would you have anxiety! lucky bum!