Thursday, April 1, 2010

I think 2 is it!

Okay so for about a year now I have wanted another baby. My husband on the other hand is not on board. I think this past week though I have changed my mind. Here are my reasons. 1st my birthday weekend in Vegas was the best weekend ever. My mom is an angel for keeping my girls for 3 days straight. If I had another child, I couldnt ask her to do that. I already felt guilty enough this time. Also as much as I love my girls, it is nice to get some away time, a new baby would change all that for a long time. I also like to have my girls be involved in activities. Right now Julie is in horseback riding and softball and Kaitlyn does gymnastics and swimming. In the summer they will both be in Soccer which is a lot of money and not to mention time. I see many of my friends with 3 kids and what a struggle it is. I also have 2 healthy girls and when we were in Vegas we saw so many sick and disabled kids. That would affect everyone especially my girls because it would be hard to focus on them anymore if you had a special needs child. My husband and I have talked about adoption and that isnt completly out of the question but I think for now we will stay a happy family of 4.

1 comment:

keri said...

I totally hear ya! You have a great family and just enough to handle. I sometimes want another one (first really) but adding to what we have...i think i would lose my mind even more. haha