Sunday, August 9, 2009

The shit is hitting the fan

Well I guess when it rains, it you may or may not know my Grandmother is very ill and dying, so I have been at my moms holding a vigil and trying to help out the best that I can, since no other family is here to help out or is even on the way. The hospice nurse said that she probably had a few days to a week left....couple with that, my in laws are coming out on Thursday....and my house needs to be cleaned, we are having a birthday party for Kaitlyn on Sunday and nothing is ready for that, the cake is not ordered...nothing....then I wake up this morning and now I am sick...coming down with a cold or something, but I feel like crap....than Adam tells me he thinks he is getting sick too......does God have anything else he would like to add to my plate??


AmyBow said...

ugh. I am so sorry to hear about Marty. My thoughts are with you and the whole family. I hope that Gma and Gpa from NY provide help and distraction. From what I understand from Kaitlyn, the cake is not important - the fire truck is important and that is already in place. So just relax and handle what you can. Things that fall off, fall off...

keri said...

I argee with Amy. Now is the time to just focus on the simple things. Who cares if the house isn't clean. Kaitlyn will be happy no matter what. I think people are more understanding than you think and you are more than deserving of a break considering everything. love you. love grandma and love your family.