Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So after much waiting(years to be exact) we had people come to install a new heat pump in our house.......I was so excited. They arrived around 8 in the morning and my husband had stayed home from work because I had things to do in the morning. Cut to last around 3pm my husband asked them about how much longer they response they said 4 hrs. When 4 hrs was up, they came and said they had some bad news. They wouldn't be able to finish tonight and we wouldn't have heat....are you kidding me......they gave us a small space heater and then they went and bought a radiator for us to use...except they didn't think about us having kids and pets and that if you touch the radiator you are going to burn yourself. Also it was already 38 we all headed upstairs since heat rises and put the small space heater in the animal room so the birds wouldn't die and brought the large radiator upstairs with us. We put it behind the baby gate so no one could touch here we are freezing cold, with 3 of us sick, sleeping on the floor upstairs......lets just say, I did not get very much sleep at all and I think I am still least they got the heater to work...if it only had a defrost mode...

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I am glad you got your heater working :) I know how hard it is when you have little ones :) I hope by now everything and everyone is all thawed out :)