Thursday, January 29, 2009
So why is it that when you really really want to and NEED to take a nap...nothing ever falls into place. I am still very has been a week and I dont think that I am at all better. I feel like crap.....I am waiting to just wake up and at least say that I feel a little better...but not so far. SO even though I felt like crap, I wanted to tire the kids out today because I really needed a nap. So off we went to Chuck E Cheese to use the tokens that we had left from Sat birthday party. We were the only ones there which was nice. Anyhow, we spent an 1 1/2 there and then I took the girls to lunch with both of them saying they were tired. I told Julie that today she was taking a nap since I have only slept about 10 hrs in the last 4 nights and am past the point of exhaustion. So we got home and Kaitlyn still had not fallen asleep and I put her in her crib and sent Julie off to her room and layed down in bed...thank god.....about 5 minutes later Kaitlyn was yelling for me that she dropped her rubber worm that she won at Chuck E Cheese and I ignored her and closed my eyes. Then Julie came in and said that she was done with her nap(which she didn't even take) and told me that she wanted a snack and threw a package in my now sleeping face for me to open.....I turned on a show for her and promptly went back to laa laa land. Kaitlyn as of now was still not sleeping but quiet. Another 5 minutes goes by and Julie wakes me up and tells me that the doorbell rang and I told her that was okay, I wasn't going to answer it. Then the phone rings and it turns out that the person at the door is the repair man for the heater that wasn't working right last nowI am sitting here with a cranky 2 yr old, a bitchy sick tired mother, and a repair man complaining about the crappy job those guys did putting our system in....great that gives me confidence.......
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
So after much waiting(years to be exact) we had people come to install a new heat pump in our house.......I was so excited. They arrived around 8 in the morning and my husband had stayed home from work because I had things to do in the morning. Cut to last around 3pm my husband asked them about how much longer they response they said 4 hrs. When 4 hrs was up, they came and said they had some bad news. They wouldn't be able to finish tonight and we wouldn't have heat....are you kidding me......they gave us a small space heater and then they went and bought a radiator for us to use...except they didn't think about us having kids and pets and that if you touch the radiator you are going to burn yourself. Also it was already 38 we all headed upstairs since heat rises and put the small space heater in the animal room so the birds wouldn't die and brought the large radiator upstairs with us. We put it behind the baby gate so no one could touch here we are freezing cold, with 3 of us sick, sleeping on the floor upstairs......lets just say, I did not get very much sleep at all and I think I am still least they got the heater to work...if it only had a defrost mode...
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Our Vacation to Disneyworld!!

So we just returned back from 5 days of Disney world with my in-laws and their parents...I know what you are thinking...oh GOD.....yes that is the reaction I got from everyone about how very brave I was and how it was going to be torture for me....well it was actually nice...the only thing that I would have changed is I was a little grumpy because I am tired of having a cast on my foot and having to be pushed around in a wheelchair our whole vacation and on top of that my Grandma back home was very sick and I was not sure that she was going to be okay when I returned. The kids had fun...they loved seeing their grandma and grandpa who we only usually see about 2 times per year and they were excited to see great Papa and Great Mama too....Kaitlyn wanted to go on and do everything she could, and Julie on the other hand is in the stage where she is scared of everything and did not want to do anything. Of course, Kaitlyn has been dealing with constipation for a long time and in Disney we had started her on a new medicine. I also brought along a child's laxative because she had been trying but had not had a BM for 3 days. Anyhow the whole time we were there during our trip it didn't really seem to make a difference..until yesterday when we were getting ready to board the bus for the airport. Lets just say that we didn't have time to take her inside so we were standing by the bus bench with her standing put it mildly it was on her legs, her new Minnie Mouse Dress, Adam's jeans, the cement, my arms.....well I think you get the point...what an end to a great vacation. I guess I should just be happy it helped.....just FYI we are already on our 4th full diaper today and it is only noon.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Just Great
So we are now 3 days away from leaving for Disney world and the crap has hit the fan. I woke up this morning feeling very nauseated and now I am in the potty a lot if you know what I mean. Then Kaitlyn was up a couple times last night saying that she hurt and today she has a 103 fever and strep throat....on top of that Adam has a cold and I still have a bum this rate we will see how the vacation goes.
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