I know what you are probably thinking that here is another story about 9/11...well yes and no. Sept 11th is bittersweet for me. I still remember when and what I was doing that morning when a friend called us very early to tell us to turn on the TV...then I remember being glued to the radio all day at work, as the whole nation stood still and know one knew what to do. This day is also the 3 year anniversary of when I had my miscarriage. I wish that it had not happened on 9/11 and on some other random day because then I know that I would forget the date when it happened but because the date was already significant, I can't. So I morn for the child that I lost that I will never know except in my heart. For the little baby who just couldn't hold on for some reason or another. Some of you might say that you shouldn't think about it anymore because it has been 3 years, but for anyone who has ever carried a child will know that you cant just forget. So I morn, I morn for all of those lost on Sept 11th at the Trade Center and all of the people affected by it, I morn for the little one that I lost, and I morn for all the others who have a hard time on this day.
On the other side of this equation I look at my 2 beautiful girls and think how lucky I am to have them. Also if I hadn't lost that baby, I wouldn't have Kaitlyn who I cant imagine life without. A lot of people try for years to have a child and it never happens, yet I have two healthy girls. My oldest is becoming such a big girl. Last Sunday I did a walk to cure kids cancer at Six Flags in Vallejo. I tried to convince friends and family to walk with me, but no one would complaining that it was to early or they would be too tired because it is Sunday. ARE YOU KIDDING ME...get off your high horse and think about all of the kids affected and families of the sick children. Why don't you tell them that it was to far to go...anyhow out of the blue, my little Angel Julie said, "I will go with you mom because I don't want you to have to walk alone"...I told her that we would have to be out of the house by 5:30 am and she told me that was okay she could go back to sleep on the car ride. I was so happy that in that fact she is becoming just like me. Feeling the true meaning of helping others even if it means being a little inconvenienced. Let me tell you, she got payed back tenfold. Since it was mostly adults walking, all the characters came out before and hung out, so she basically had unlimited access to all without having to compete with others, she danced with them, took pictures and had fun with all of them for about an hour. Then at the end she got to meet Candace Cameron from Full House(DJ Tanner) and although she didn't know who she was, she thought it was cool to take a picture with a "movie star". My heart felt great to know that my little girl had a great time while doing a great thing. Last but not least, it is a special day because it is my sister-in-laws birthday!!! Happy happy birthday, wish we were there!!